choosing curiosity

In the past I thought going to a pain clinic meant opiates or surgery. I’m not saying those are wrong choices, they just aren’t ones I wanted to choose for myself. 

Once I let go of the thought I was giving up, I held onto the thought that I was open to learning new ways of managing my pain. 

That thought led to a feeling of curiosity. 

And I met a fantastic provider who listened to me with openness and provided options I hadn’t explored. 

I went through a major med adjustment, some shots and a major thought adjustment. 

The thought that I was open to learning new ways to manage my pain and the feeling of curiosity allowed me to try new meds, new treatments and ultimately learn new ways of managing my pain. 

See what happened there?

My initial thought that going to a pain clinic was giving up was a barrier to moving beyond my diagnosis. 

The thought switch to being open to new ways of managing my pain and the feeling of curiosity ultimately led to a treatment plan that improved the quality of my life. 

Do I still have days I have stinky thoughts about my diagnosis?  Absolutely.!

AND I have more days that I don’t. 



