Ever had one of “those” days?  Nothing seems to go right.  You are late for work.  You get stuck in traffic.  You burn the toast.  The kiddos fight constantly. Your pain scale doesn’t come close to defining how badly you hurt.

At the end of the day you are wiped.  Your mind filled with thoughts about EVERY SINGLE THING that went wrong, you think you did wrong, how you hurt.

Want to leave that less than stellar day on a better note?  Think about your day.  What is one thing:

You think you nailed?

One task you finished that started as daunting?

What is one way you took care of yourself?

Translation - what was your VICTORY of the day?  Could be ginormous.  Could be small.  Could be somewhere in between.  

WRITE IT DOWN!  Why? So you can see that even on a day that seems less than stellar you are able to see a positive thing.

Then try to remember what you were thinking when your victory happened. How did that make you feel?  From that feeling what did you do or not do that reminded you how amazing, brilliant, courageous, sparkly, (your favorite adjective) you are?  

Write that $h*t down!  Why?  So your brain can see itt even on a less than stellar day!

Try that for 7 days and see if it changes how you think about yourself, your diagnosis, your chronic pain.  Let me know in the comments if you noticed any changes.


Water Wings


What others think is none of your business!