What others think is none of your business!

When you have chronic pain you may look “fine” on the outside but feel like a$$ on the inside.  People around you cannot see your pain level and they may not be aware that you feel less than fine.  

Have you caught yourself agreeing to do something when you hurt too bad to do it because you were worried what others would think?  Were you concerned the invitations may stop?  Were you worried you would look weak or less than?

I have.  It can be a difficult place to be when your brain thinks others are thinking negatively about you.  And guess what?  We are unable to get inside another person’s brain and see what they are thinking, but boy do we have thoughts about it don’t we?

What others think is none of your business!  All the mind drama you have created about what others may think comes down to your own thoughts.  If you create a story in your head that you have to do or be something to be accepted, you may miss out on the chance to show up as beautifully, perfectly, brilliantly yourself.

You will never be more worthy than you are right now.  Nothing can change that - not your chronic pain, not anything you do or don’t do.  

YOU ARE 1,000,000,000% WORTHY RIGHT NOW JUST AS YOU ARE! (chronic pain and all)

Don’t doubt that!  EVER!



