
Why do I keep talking about thoughts?  Remember algebra (which was never my friend btw)?  Equations went something like A+B=C.

It is kind of like that. What we think affects how we feel.  How we feel affects what we do or don’t do.  So a thought we have creates a feeling. That feeling leads us to do or not do things.  So our thought ultimately result in outcomes.

For example the thought “I don’t feel good” may make us feel unmotivated.  When we are unmotivated we may grab junk food, stay on the couch, or drink soda all day.  Our result?  We don’t feel good.

Instead if we think “I want to feel better” we may feel motivated.  Feeling motivated may have us engaging in easy movement, eating and drinking things that fuel us.  The result?  WE FEEL BETTER.

Our equation looks like thought + feeling + actions = results.

Want to learn to come up with better equations for your life?  Schedule a free discovery call with me.


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